No, that call is not from the Sheriff's Office. Hang up and do this instead. (2024)

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — These days we have to be so careful about what links we click on online and the phone calls we answer.

One wrong decision and our money could be vulnerable to criminals.

The fact of the matter is that scammers are getting more persistent and sophisticated.

Charlie Cohen of Virginia Beach says a few months ago his information was almost compromised.

“I got a phone call from what was supposed to be a Sheriff’s [deputy] saying there was a warrant for my arrest for missing jury duty in court,” Cohen says.

He tells me that he was in the process of opening a new business. Because he was working with contractors and other parties, he was having to answer phone calls from unknown numbers. In the midst of juggling his busy schedule, the caller convinced him that he had missed jury duty.

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“They kept me on the phone. [They] wouldn't let me get off the phone at all,” he says.

For 35 minutes, they had Cohen convinced there was a warrant for his arrest and a sheriff's deputy was coming to apprehend him.

“None of this makes sense now, but when you're on the phone [and] caught up in the moment, you know -- it was a nervous situation,” Cohen says.

Luckily, he hung up and called a friend who works within the criminal justice system. They told him it was likely a scam and to call the sheriff’s office.

So that's what he did. Cohen called the sheriff’s office to confirm what he was told over the phone.

“[The woman who answered with the sheriff’s office] said, ‘Let me stop you right there.' She was like, 'If we have a warrant for your arrest, we will not call you. It's a scam.'"

In this case, it was a scam.

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Virginia Beach Sheriff Rocky Holcomb says they have gotten a lot of reports similar to what Cohen experienced so they created the department’s first Consumer Protection Unit.

“Our number one thing with our community consumer protection unit is that we educate, educate, educate,” says Sheriff Holcomb. “Anybody can fall victim to this."

The Federal Trade Commission also preaches that anyone can fall victim.

The data shows so far in 2024 people across the country have reported $8.54 million in total losses.

Leaders at the FTC say it averages about $3,000 per person.

“These scammers are getting so good at what they do,” says Holcomb.

Sheriff Holcomb says citizens can call in or email a tip -- or fill out a fraud report online.

“Please understand that you have time to stop, hit pause, call the sheriff's office, [and] ask us the questions. We'll make sure we get some answers for you and protect you,” says Holcomb.

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How can you protect yourself?

  • A government agency will never call you saying that you missed jury duty or there's a warrant for your arrest
  • Don't click on any links you're sent in an email – especially from an unsolicited party
  • Don't give in to pressure if someone is saying "You need to act now” or “You’re running out of time”
  • Talk with family, friends, bankers, and anyone else you trust. They may be able to spot a potential scam before you do

What agencies can I report a scam or scam attempt to?

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No, that call is not from the Sheriff's Office. Hang up and do this instead. (2024)


Would a sheriff ever call you? ›

You will never get a call from the Sheriff's Office, IRS, or any other government agency claiming you owe money. Be cautious like Mr.

Which power does a sheriff hold responses? ›

Sheriffs and their deputies are sworn peace officers with the power to make arrests and serve before a magistrate or judge, serve warrants for arrest or order for arrest, and give a ticket/citation in order to keep the peace. Some states extend this authority to adjacent counties or to the entire state.

Which of the following is a responsibility of the office of sheriff? ›

Sheriffs are the agency primarily responsible for the service or “delivery” of legal documents in the State. This includes summonses, subpoenas, and law suits.

What is the motto of Blaine County Sheriffs Office? ›

Deputies wear an agency shoulder patch displaying their motto "We Fight As One" with the words "BLAINE SHERIFF" written across the bottom. Some deputies can be found wearing the old agency patch which is identical to most other sheriff's offices in the state.

Would a sheriff text you? ›

Police officers won't initiate contact with someone over text messages. They may use texts later on during an investigation or proceeding, but that's very unusual.

Why would the police call me out of the blue? ›

So let's just say, for example, the police call you out of the blue and want to talk to you about something, and it sounds bad over the phone. They're doing some kind of investigation or your name was brought up in some other – having to do with some other kind of criminal incident.

Who has more authority a Sheriff or a US Marshal? ›

US Marshals do have federal jurisdiction but a sheriff is still the one in primary command in their local city, state, or county. A sheriff or a police officer is who you will interact with, even if a US Marshal is in the area, unless you are involved in a federal case involving a fugitive.

Does a Sheriff have more power than a governor? ›

Thus, a governor can either override or outmaneuver sheriffs who refuse to enforce emergency orders by directing the attorney general to assume control over the sheriffs, to name single-issue sheriffs, or to directly enforce the orders with state law enforcement personnel.

What does the US Constitution say about sheriffs? ›

Sheriffs are not mentioned in the U.S. Constitution. The ideological basis of the sheriffs' movement is instead based on various incorrect historical and legal claims, relying on a pretense that the historic powers of the high sheriff of an English shire apply in the U.S. regardless of subsequent legal developments.

What is highest position in the sheriff department? ›

Sheriff's office: The sheriff's office hierarchy starts with the sheriff at the top, followed by undersheriff, chief deputy, captain, lieutenant, sergeant and deputy sheriff . The captain may be responsible for a specific unit, while the sergeant may be responsible for a squad of deputies.

Why is the legal status of the sheriff unique? ›

Outside a few elected town marshals, the Sheriff is the only head of a law enforcement agency in this nation that is accountable directly to the people of his /her jurisdiction.

Which of the following is carried out by county sheriff's offices but is not considered a traditional law enforcement function? ›

Final answer: Serving warrants is the function carried out by County Sheriff's Offices that is not considered a 'traditional law enforcement function'.

What is the mission statement for the sheriff's office in Randall County? ›

The Randall County Sheriff's Office mission is enforce laws, protect life and property, to provide safe, secure and humane incarceration of inmates and to otherwise serve persons in the County in a cost effective manner.

What are the duties of the Blaine County Sheriff's Office? ›

Overview. Blaine County Sheriff's Office Serves the towns of Chinook, Harlem, Zurich, Hogeland, Turner and all rural Areas of Blaine County. We are responsible for the prevention of crime, civil process and coroner duties.

What is the motto of the LASD sheriff? ›

Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
County of Los Angeles Sheriff's Department
Motto"A Tradition of Service"
Agency overview
24 more rows

Will police ever contact you by phone? ›

No Sheriff's Office or Police Department will call you requesting money. Also, they will not threaten to arrest you if you don't give them money. Example 2 - A Police Officer or Sheriff's Deputy calls saying they arrested your niece or nephew in another state and need you to send them bail money. THIS IS A SCAM.

Will the FBI call you about a warrant? ›

The FBI does not generally notify people by telephone if a warrant has been issued for their arrest. Instead, they will either attempt to apprehend the person or have local law enforcement serve the warrant. If you receive a call about a warrant, it's almost certainly a scam.

How to have sheriff serve papers in California? ›

How to ask the sheriff to serve your court papers
  1. Fill out required form. Request for Sheriff to Serve Court Papers (form SER-001) ...
  2. Give papers to sheriff. ...
  3. Get papers back from sheriff. ...
  4. Next step in your case.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.