Unicode Converter - encoding / decoding (2024)

Unicode to Text

Unicode Converter helps you convert between Unicode character numbers, characters, UTF-8 and UTF-16 code units in hex, percent escapes,and Numeric Character References.

How to convert UTF-8,UTF-16, UTF-32

  1. Enter your text in the editor.
  2. You will automatically get UTF bytes in each format.

What is Unicode?

Unicode is a character encoding system that assigns a code to every character and symbol in the world's languages.
Unicode is the only encoding system that ensures you may get or combine data using any combination of languages because no other encoding standard covers all languages. XML, Java, JavaScript, LDAP, and other web-based technologies all require Unicode.
UTF-8, a variable length encoding method in which one represents each written symbol- to four-byte code, and UTF-16, a fixed width encoding scheme in which a two-byte code represents each written symbol, are the two most prevalent Unicode implementations for computer systems.

Why Use Unicode?

Unicode can handle data in a variety of scripts, including French, Japanese, and Hebrew. Before Unicode was introduced, a computer could only process and show the written symbols on its operating system code page, which was connected to a single script.
For example, a computer that can handle French will not be able to process Japanese or Hebrew.

UTF Encoding Forms

Unicode characters are encoded in one of three ways: a 32-bit form (UTF-32), a 16-bit form (UTF-16), or an 8-bit form (UTF-8) (UTF-8).
The identification of each character and its numeric value (code position) is defined by these character encoding standards and how they are represented in bits.

Code Points vs. Code Units

  • Code points are numbers that represent Unicode characters. "A code point is the atomic unit of information. Text is a sequence of code points. Each code point is a number which is given meaning by the Unicode standard."
  • Code units are numbers that encode code points to store or transmit Unicode text. One or more code units encode a single code point. Each code unit has the same size, which depends on the encoding format that is used. The most popular format, UTF-8, has 8-bit code units.

What are Unicode encodings UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32?

We now know that Unicode is an international standard that encodes every known character to a unique number. But, how do we move these unique numbers around the internet? Transmission is achieved using bytes of information.

UTF-8: Every code point is encoded using one, two, three, or four bytes in UTF-8. It is ASCII backward compatible. All English characters use only one byte, which is exceptionally efficient. If we're sending non-English characters, we'll merely need more bytes. It is the most used type of encoding, and Python 3 uses it by default. The default encoding in Python 2 is ASCII (unfortunately).
UTF-16 UTF-16 has a variable length of 2 or 4 bytes. Because most Asian text can be encoded in two bytes each, this encoding is ideal for it. It isn't very good for English since every English character requires two bytes..
UTF-32 is fixed 4 bytes. All characters are encoded in 4 bytes, so it needs a lot of memory. It is not used very often.

Unicode Character Examples

  • ☸☹☺☻☼☾☿
  • 한국어
  • 日本語
  • 中文
  • ქართული
  • ไทย
  • বাংলা
  • فارسی
  • العربية
  • עברית
  • Українська
  • Русский
  • Ελληνικά
  • Čšâêçñàmột trò

Demystifying Unicode: The Ultimate Text Conversion Tool for Multilingual Content

Are you tired of struggling with text conversion for multilingual content? Look no further! Unicode is here to demystify the process and make your life easier. In today’s globalized world, it has become increasingly important to cater to diverse audiences and ensure your content is accessible to people from different linguistic backgrounds. Unicode is the ultimate text conversion tool that seamlessly converts text from one language to another, regardless of the script or characters involved. Whether you’re a content creator, translator, or simply someone who wants to communicate effectively across borders, understanding Unicode is essential. Join us as we unravel the complexities of Unicode and discover how this powerful tool can help you create multilingual content that resonates with your target audience. Say goodbye to language barriers and hello to a world of endless possibilities with Unicode!

What is Unicode?

Unicode is a universal character encoding standard that provides a unique number for every character, regardless of the platform, program, or language. It aims to unify all the different character sets and scripts used in written languages worldwide. With Unicode, you can represent characters from various scripts, including Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, and many more. Instead of relying on different character encodings for other languages, Unicode simplifies the process by providing a single standard representing any character in any language.

Unicode uses a unique 16-bit code called a "code point" to represent each character. This means that over 65,000 code points are available, which is more than enough to cover the characters used in most languages. However, with the increasing number of characters being added to Unicode, a 32-bit version called Unicode Transformation Format (UTF-32) can represent even more characters.

Unicode is widely used in modern computing systems, including operating systems, programming languages, and applications. It has become the de facto standard for representing text in digital form and is supported by major platforms like Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, and Android.

The Importance of Unicode for Multilingual Content

In our increasingly interconnected world, communicating in multiple languages is crucial. Whether you’re running a global business, creating content for an international audience, or simply trying to connect with people from different cultures, multilingual content is essential. However, dealing with other scripts, character sets, and languages can be daunting.

This is where Unicode comes in. By providing a standardized way of representing characters from different languages, Unicode simplifies creating and managing multilingual content. It ensures that your text can be displayed correctly in any language, regardless of the platform or software used.

With Unicode, you no longer have to worry about text conversion issues like garbled characters, missing diacritics, or incorrect rendering. It allows you to seamlessly convert text between different languages, scripts, and platforms, ensuring your content is accessible and understandable to people from diverse linguistic backgrounds.

How Unicode Works

At its core, Unicode maps characters to unique code points. Each code point represents a specific character or symbol, and Unicode provides a standard way of encoding and decoding these code points. This allows computers to understand and display text in different languages, regardless of the underlying character set or encoding.

Unicode uses various encoding schemes to represent characters, including UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32. UTF-8 is the most commonly used encoding scheme and provides backward compatibility with ASCII, the widely used character encoding standard for the English language. UTF-16 and UTF-32 are used when dealing with characters that cannot be represented using 8 bits.

When you input text in a specific language or script, Unicode allows you to convert that text into a sequence of code points. These code points can then be encoded using one of the Unicode encoding schemes, depending on the number of bits required to represent the characters. When a computer system displays or processes the encoded text, it can be decoded back into the original sequence of code points, allowing the characters to be rendered correctly.

The History and Development of Unicode

The need for a universal character encoding standard became apparent in the early days of computing when different character sets and encodings were used across various platforms and languages. This led to compatibility issues, making exchanging text between different systems difficult.

In response to this problem, the Unicode Consortium was formed in 1991 to create a single character encoding standard that could support all the world’s languages. The consortium comprises major technology companies, academic institutions, and individual contributors who work together to develop and maintain the Unicode Standard.

Since its inception, Unicode has evolved and expanded to include characters from various scripts and languages. It has undergone several major revisions, with each new version introducing new characters and improving the encoding schemes. The latest version of Unicode, version 14.0, includes over 143,000 characters from over 150 scripts, covering almost all the languages used today.

The development of Unicode is an ongoing process, with new characters and updates being added regularly. This ensures that the standard remains up to date and can support the evolving needs of multilingual communication in our rapidly changing world.

Common Challenges with Multilingual Content and How Unicode Solves Them

Creating and managing multilingual content can be challenging, especially when dealing with different scripts, character sets, and languages. Here are some common challenges faced by content creators and how Unicode solves them:

  1. Garbled characters: When text is converted from one language to another using incompatible character encodings, it can result in garbled characters or � symbols. Unicode provides a standardized way of representing characters, ensuring the text is correctly encoded and decoded, regardless of the language or platform.
  2. Missing diacritics: Diacritical marks, such as accents, umlauts, and cedillas, are essential for correctly representing certain characters in many languages. However, when text is converted using non-Unicode encodings, these diacritics can be lost or rendered incorrectly. Unicode includes a wide range of diacritical marks, allowing you to represent characters from different languages accurately.
  3. Incorrect rendering: Different scripts and languages have unique typographic rules and conventions. Text displayed using fonts or software that do not support the specific script or language can result in incorrect rendering or missing characters. Unicode ensures that text can be displayed correctly by providing a standard way of representing characters and supporting a wide range of scripts.

Using Unicode, content creators can overcome these challenges and ensure that their multilingual content is accurately represented and easily accessible to their target audience.

Unicode Character Encoding Standards

Unicode provides several encoding standards, each with its benefits and use cases. Here are the most commonly used encoding standards:

  1. UTF-8: UTF-8 is a variable-length encoding scheme that can represent any Unicode character using one to four bytes. It is backward compatible with ASCII, meaning that the first 128 characters in UTF-8 are the same as ASCII. UTF-8 is widely used on the internet and is the recommended encoding for web pages and email.
  2. UTF-16: UTF-16 is a variable-length encoding scheme that uses two or four bytes to represent each character. It is primarily used when dealing with characters outside the ASCII range but can also represent ASCII characters using two bytes. UTF-16 is commonly used in programming languages and operating systems.
  3. UTF-32: UTF-32 is a fixed-length encoding scheme that uses four bytes to represent each character. It provides a direct mapping between code points and bytes, making it easier to manipulate and process text. UTF-32 is less commonly used than UTF-8 and UTF-16 but is still used in certain applications and systems.

The choice of encoding standard depends on the specific requirements of your application or system. UTF-8 is generally recommended for most use cases, as it balances efficiency and compatibility.

Unicode Support in Different Operating Systems and Platforms

Unicode is widely supported in modern operating systems, programming languages, and applications. Here’s an overview of Unicode support in some popular platforms:

  1. Windows: Windows has built-in support for Unicode, starting from Windows NT. All recent versions of Windows, including Windows 10, fully support Unicode and can display text in multiple languages and scripts.
  2. macOS: macOS has native support for Unicode, allowing you to input, display, and process text in different languages. It includes various fonts that support various scripts, ensuring that your text is rendered correctly.
  3. Linux: Linux distributions generally have excellent Unicode support, with most applications and desktop environments fully compatible with Unicode. Linux allows you to input, display, and process text in multiple languages without any issues.
  4. iOS and Android: iOS and Android have built-in support for Unicode, enabling you to create and display multilingual content on mobile devices. They include a wide range of fonts and input methods for different languages, making it easy to communicate effectively across borders.

It’s worth noting that while most modern platforms have robust Unicode support, older systems or outdated software may have limited or no support for Unicode. If you’re working with legacy systems, it's essential to ensure they can handle Unicode correctly to avoid compatibility issues.

Tools and Resources for Working with Unicode

Working with Unicode can be made easier with the help of various tools and resources. Here are some useful resources that can assist you in creating and managing multilingual content:

  1. Unicode Character Table: The Unicode Character Table is an online tool that allows you to search for and explore Unicode characters. It provides detailed information about each character, including its code point, name, and properties. You can use this tool to find specific characters or learn more about the Unicode standard.
  2. Text Editors and IDEs: Most modern text editors and integrated development environments (IDEs) have built-in support for Unicode. They allow you to input, edit, and save text in different languages and scripts, ensuring your multilingual content is correctly encoded.
  3. Font Libraries: Font libraries like Google Fonts and Adobe Fonts offer a wide range of fonts that support various scripts and languages. These fonts can be easily integrated into your projects, ensuring your text is displayed correctly in different languages.
  4. Translation Tools: Translation tools like Google Translate and Microsoft Translator can be invaluable if you're translating content between different languages. They use machine learning algorithms to provide accurate translations, helping you create high-quality multilingual content.
  5. Unicode Libraries and APIs: Programming languages often have libraries and APIs that provide functions for working with Unicode. These libraries can help you handle text conversion, normalization, and other Unicode-related tasks more easily.

By leveraging these tools and resources, you can easily streamline your workflow and create multilingual content.

Best Practices for Using Unicode in Multilingual Content

To ensure that your multilingual content is effective and accessible, here are some best practices to keep in mind when working with Unicode:

  1. Use Appropriate Fonts: Choose fonts supporting the scripts and languages you work with. This ensures your text is displayed correctly and maintains its intended design and style.
  2. Normalize Text: Unicode normalization transforms text into a standardized form, ensuring that equivalent sequences of characters are represented similarly. This helps prevent issues with duplicate or visually similar characters.
  3. Test and Validate: Always test your multilingual content across different platforms, devices, and languages to ensure it displays correctly and is accessible to your target audience. Use validation tools to check for any encoding or rendering issues.
  4. Consider Localization: Localization involves adapting your content to specific languages, cultures, and regions. When creating multilingual content, consider your target audience's linguistic and cultural nuances to ensure that your message is effectively communicated.
  5. Collaborate with Native Speakers: If possible, collaborate with native speakers or language experts to ensure your multilingual content's accuracy and cultural appropriateness. They can provide valuable insights and help you avoid potential pitfalls.

By following these best practices, you can create multilingual content that resonates with your target audience and effectively communicates your message across different languages and cultures.

Conclusion: Embracing Unicode for Seamless Multilingual Communication

In today’s interconnected world, the ability to communicate across languages and cultures is more important than ever. Unicode provides a powerful tool for creating and managing multilingual content, allowing you to seamlessly convert text between different languages, scripts, and platforms.

By understanding Unicode and its role in text conversion, you can overcome the challenges of working with multilingual content and ensure your message reaches a global audience. Whether you’re a content creator, translator, or simply someone who wants to connect with people from different linguistic backgrounds, embracing Unicode will open up a world of possibilities.

Say goodbye to language barriers and hello to a future where effective multilingual communication is effortless. With Unicode as your ultimate text conversion tool, you can create content that resonates with your target audience, regardless of their language or location. Embrace the power of Unicode and unlock the true potential of multilingual content today!

That concludes our in-depth exploration of Unicode as multilingual content’s ultimate text conversion tool. We hope this article has demystified the complexities of Unicode and provided you with a comprehensive understanding of its importance and applications. Now it’s your turn to harness the power of Unicode and create compelling multilingual content that breaks down language barriers and connects people from diverse backgrounds.

Unicode Converter - encoding / decoding (2024)


How to convert Unicode to readable text? ›

Convert Unicode to ASCII in Windows
  1. Open the file with WordPad.
  2. Go to File -> Save As -> in the drop down menu just below the file name field change the file type from Unicode Text Document to Text Document.
  3. Now enter the file name you want remembering to specify the suffix you want such as . csv. The default is . txt.

What is the difference between encoding and decoding Unicode? ›

In the Python programming language, encoding represents a Unicode string as a string of bytes. This commonly occurs when you transfer an instance over a network or save it to a disk file. Decoding transforms a string of bytes into a Unicode string.

How to convert encoding to UTF-8? ›

UTF-8 Encoding in Notepad (Windows)
  1. Open your CSV file in Notepad.
  2. Click File in the top-left corner of your screen.
  3. Click Save as...
  4. In the dialog which appears, select the following options: In the "Save as type" drop-down, select All Files. In the "Encoding" drop-down, select UTF-8. ...
  5. Click Save.

How to do Unicode conversion? ›

When converting between two native character sets, Unicode conversion uses Unicode as an intermediate character set. For example, to convert between the server default character set (CP 437), and the client character set (CP 860), CP 437 is first converted to Unicode; Unicode is then converted to CP 860.

How do I change the encoding to make a document readable? ›

You can specify the encoding standard that you can use to display (decode) the text.
  1. Click the File tab.
  2. Click Options.
  3. Click Advanced.
  4. Scroll to the General section, and then select the Confirm file format conversion on open check box. ...
  5. Close and then reopen the file.
  6. In the Convert File dialog box, select Encoded Text.

Which can be used to decode a Unicode character encoding into text? ›

Final answer: To decode Unicode character encoding into text, you need to use a character encoding scheme, such as UTF-8, UTF-16, or UTF-32, with the help of functions or libraries provided by applications or programming languages.

What is the difference between UTF-8 and Unicode? ›

The Difference Between Unicode and UTF-8

Unicode is a character set. It translates characters to numbers. UTf-8 is an encoding standard. It translates numbers into binary.

How to decode UTF-8 encoded string? ›

Step 1: Navigate to Akto's Decoder. Step 2: Paste your UTF-8 encoded text into the provided box. Step 3: Your Output will be generated. Copy the decoded text that appears to use it.

How do I convert UTF-8 to readable text? ›

First, select the radio button for the Decode UTF8 option. Then, enter the UTF8 string in the Enter Value box. Click on the Convert button, and the tool will instantly decode the UTF8 string into the regular text. You can also copy the output results using one click.

How do I put Unicode in text? ›

Inserting Unicode Characters
  1. Type the character code where you want to insert the Unicode symbol.
  2. Press ALT+X to convert the code to the symbol. If you're placing your Unicode character immediately after another character, select just the code before pressing ALT+X.

How do I encode Unicode characters? ›

Unicode uses two encoding forms: 8-bit and 16-bit, based on the data type of the data that is being that is being encoded. The default encoding form is 16-bit, where each character is 16 bits (2 bytes) wide. Sixteen-bit encoding form is usually shown as U+hhhh, where hhhh is the hexadecimal code point of the character.

What is a Unicode converter? ›

Unicode Converter enables you to easily convert Unicode characters in UTF-16, UTF-8, and UTF-32 formats to their Unicode and decimal representations. In addition, you can percent encode/decode URL parameters.

How do I remove Unicode from text? ›

There are numerous lists of unicode characters online. In my example scenario, the ascii code is: u8203. Once identified, Use Word's Find and Replace (CTRL H) and enter: ^u8203 and replace with nothing, or with whatever character desired.

How do I view a Unicode text file? ›

One way to do this is to open Notepad on its own, and go to File > Open. A new dialog box should appear. On the bottom, it should show a combo box labeled Encoding: with maybe ANSI as the default. Select "Unicode" then open your text file.

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Name: Corie Satterfield

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.